We specialize in crafting innovative outdoor solutions designed to transform your living spaces. With a focus on veranda and bioclimatic outdoor systems, we offer products that blend functionality with aesthetic appeal. Our goal is to create versatile and inviting outdoor areas that seamlessly integrate with your lifestyle.


Bygg om till  något lugnare och rymligare. Ett 60-talshus som inte hade renoverats på årtionden, nytt förhöjd tak  insläppt mer dagsljus gjordes detta till en bra bostad, men också till en arbetsplats. Kontakta oss för mer information.


A staircase fulfills an incredibly important function in the home where you and family members should be able to get between floors in a smooth and safe way. Therefore, it is important that the person building the stairs has the right knowledge and experience when it comes to design and construction. We are happy to help you with the design, manufacture and installation of your stairs.

tile combination

When designing a minimalist and modern bathroom, stick to neutral tones but keep things exciting and varied by laying tiles in different materials for different sections in the room, like in this luxurious, nature-inspired bathroom.